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Unlocking Business Transformation: The Power of Fractional HR Directors

Corvus People June Blog Image 1: Unlocking Business Transformation: The Power of Fractional HR Directors: Compliance and Risk Management

How Fractional HR Directors Could Transform Your Business. 


Forward-thinking companies understand the value of having HR at the top table, acknowledging the pivotal benefits they bring. However, some may struggle to justify a permanent appointment to exploit these advantages. 


Benefits of having HR in the board room  

Strategic Alignment – aligning HR strategies with overall business objectives ensures that practices like recruitment, training, and performance management support the company’s strategic goals. 


Talent Management – advising on attracting, developing, and retaining top talent helps them identify skill gaps, design training frameworks, and implement strategies for team growth. 


Employee Engagement and Productivity – cultivating a positive work culture and enhancing employee engagement helps boost morale, productivity, and overall job satisfaction. 


Risk Management and Compliance – with expertise in employment laws and regulations, HR professionals ensure compliance and minimise legal risks. 


Change Management – Efficient introduction of organisational change, whether due to restructuring or operational advancements, is facilitated by HR expertise. 


Employee Well-being and Diversity & Inclusion – advocacy for employee well-being initiatives and promotion of D&I fosters a more inclusive and attractive workplace.  

While these benefits are significant, what can businesses without an HR Director or Head of HR do to harness these advantages? 

 Increasingly, companies are turning to fractional HR Directors to leverage strategic HR leadership without the commitment to a full-time resource. 


Benefits of Fractional HR Directors 

Cost-Effectiveness and Flexibility – scalable involvement based on fluctuating HR needs, meaning you only pay for the required time based on your tailored specifications. 


HR Team Development – providing learning opportunities for existing HR teams and aiding their professional development. 


Expertise and Experience – bringing fresh perspectives and innovative solutions from working with diverse clients across different industries. 


Focus on Strategic Priorities – freeing internal resources to focus on core business activities and strategic priorities. 


Compliance and Risk Management – keeping abreast of evolving HR regulations and compliance requirements to avoid legal and financial consequences. 


Access to Specialised Skills – expertise in specific areas of HR, such as talent acquisition or employee relations, providing added value. 


Objectivity and Impartiality – offering an unbiased perspective on HR issues and conflicts within your organisation. 

Bringing HR to the forefront of your business strategy will ensure you build people practices aligned with your growth plans in the long term. While a full-time HRD is not always an option, hiring a fractional HR Director presents a cost-effective, flexible, and scalable solution for businesses seeking to leverage HR expertise without a full-time commitment.  

To learn more about how Corvus People can support your business with its HR requirements;

Visit: HR Consultancy services

Email: [email protected]

Contact Us: Click Here

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– Effective Communication (44%): Mastering the art of clear, persuasive, and empathetic communication.
– Resilience (39%): The ability to bounce back from setbacks and maintain a positive attitude.
– Adaptability (11%): Staying agile and proactive in a rapidly changing market.
– Prioritise these traits to unlock your full potential and drive sustainable sales success.

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Cracking the Code: The Winning Formula for Sales Teams

A successful sales team of men and women standing with professional attire.

The Key Traits of Successful Salespeople 

When it comes to sales, success isn’t just about hitting targets; it’s about having the traits that drive results and foster growth. But what exactly distinguishes a successful salesperson from the rest?  We have recently conducted a LinkedIn survey to find out, and the results are in. 

Survey Results: 

Effective Communication (44%): 

Undoubtedly, the crown jewel of successful salespeople is effective communication. The ability to articulate ideas, actively listen, and tailor messages to resonate with clients is a game-changer. In a profession where building relationships is paramount, my poll found that 44% of respondents believe that mastering the art of communication is the top trait for success. 

In the territory of sales, communication is more than their ability to talk – it’s the art of persuasion, negotiation, and the ability to build genuine connections with their clients. Successful salespeople can convey their ideas with clarity, expression, and persuasiveness.  

It is also important to remember that effective communication extends beyond verbal interactions; it includes active listening, empathy, and understanding. By truly tuning in to the needs and concerns of clients, sales professionals can tailor their approach, address objections, and ultimately, close deals more effectively. In essence, communication isn’t just a tool, it’s the cornerstone of building trust, growing new and existing relationships, and driving sustainable sales success. 


Resilience (39%): 

Sales is not for the faint-hearted, so it is no surprise that resilience emerged as the most crucial trait for 39% of the participants. Resilient individuals have the fortitude to persevere in the face of adversity, bouncing back stronger from setbacks and maintaining a positive attitude amidst obstacles. 

In sales, where rejection is commonplace, resilience is the bedrock upon which success is built. By building resilience, sales professionals can navigate challenges with confidence, resilience, and determination, ultimately propelling themselves towards greater heights of success. 


Adaptability (11%): 

While adaptability ranked third, it remains a significant factor in a salesperson’s success, as highlighted by 11% of respondents. In today’s landscape, everything evolves quickly, meaning that adaptability is no longer a luxury. Successful salespeople possess the agility to pivot strategies, embrace new technologies, and tailor their approach to meet the changing needs of clients and market dynamics. 

Adaptability isn’t just about reacting to change; it’s about proactively anticipating shifts in the market, embracing innovation, and staying one step ahead of the competition.  

So, what do these insights mean for sales professionals and organisations alike? 

Firstly, investing in communication skills development should be a top priority. Whether through training programs, workshops, or mentorship initiatives, honing communication expertise can unlock untapped potential and drive bottom-line results. 

Secondly, cultivating resilience should be ingrained in the sales culture. Encouraging a growth mindset, providing support systems, and celebrating resilience in action can empower sales teams to navigate challenges with confidence and determination. 

Lastly, fostering adaptability is essential for staying ahead of the curve. Embracing innovation, encouraging experimentation, and promoting a culture of continuous learning can position sales teams for success in an ever-evolving marketplace. 

The findings of this survey paint a compelling picture of the traits that define success in sales. While effective communication reigns supreme, resilience and adaptability play equally crucial roles in driving sales performance. By prioritising these key traits and investing in their development, sales professionals can unlock their full potential, drive sustainable success, and propel themselves towards unparalleled heights of achievement in the dynamic world of sales. 

If you would like to learn about how Corvus People can help your team employ the right people please contact us via:

E: [email protected]

P: +44 (0) 28 9091 8529

Contact Form: Here

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Attracting Top Marketing Talent in Northern Ireland

how to attract top talent in belfast - corvus people.

In the ever-changing world of marketing, it’s not just about spotting skilled people, but about nurturing a culture of innovation and growth. In Northern Ireland, where cities like Belfast blend history with ambition, finding exceptional marketing professionals is a journey worth taking. So, how can Northern Ireland businesses shine brightly enough to draw in the sharpest marketing talents?


Embrace Local Diversity:

Northern Ireland’s unique cultural tapestry provides a vibrant canvas for marketing ventures. Whether it’s celebrating local festivals or tapping into the arts scene, incorporating local culture in campaigns can deeply resonate with consumers and potential marketing hires. Highlighting the region’s uniqueness creates a sense of belonging and purpose, making your organization an appealing destination.


Cultivate Collaboration:

Marketing thrives on teamwork and creativity. Creating an environment where ideas flow freely and innovation is encouraged can attract top talent. Northern Ireland’s close-knit communities and collaborative spirit offer an ideal setting for cultivating such an atmosphere. Encourage cross-departmental collaboration and provide platforms for sharing ideas. By nurturing a team-oriented culture, you not only attract top marketing candidates but also keep them for the long run.


Invest in Growth:

Top marketing professionals are always motivated for growth opportunities. Invest in continuous learning programs to attract ambitious candidates looking to expand their skill sets. Partner with local universities and industry groups to offer workshops and certification programs. By showing a commitment to their professional development, you not only attract top talent but also promote a culture of excellence.

Highlight Career Growth:

Candidates seek more than just a job—they want a career path that aligns with their goals. Showcase career progression opportunities within your organisation, whether through promotions, lateral moves, or specialised roles. Develop clear pathways for advancement and offer mentorship programs. By demonstrating a clear growth trajectory, you position your organization as an attractive destination.


Promote Work-Life Balance:

Balancing work and life is crucial for employee satisfaction and productivity. Northern Ireland’s scenic beauty offers opportunities for relaxation. Embrace flexible work arrangements, wellness initiatives, and encourage time off. Prioritizing work-life balance not only attracts top talent but also supports a culture of well-being.


Attracting top marketing talent in Northern Ireland is about creating a compelling story that resonates personally and professionally. By embracing local culture, encouraging collaboration, investing in growth, highlighting career opportunities, and promoting work-life balance, businesses can illuminate the path to success and attract top marketing minds. With the Northern Star as our guide, the journey to building a stellar marketing team begins.

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The Role of Data in Modern Recruiting: Using Behavioural Testing for Improved Hiring


In today’s digital age, data isn’t just a buzzword—it’s the backbone of smart decision-making across industries. In the world of recruiting, it’s a game-changer. It helps us streamline processes, find the best talent, and ensure they’re a great fit for our team. One tool we’re particularly proud of at Corvus People is behavioural testing. It gives us incredible insights into candidates and helps us make better hiring decisions.

Why is it so important?

Understanding the Data Advantage

Recruiting used to be all about gut feelings, but now we have access to a treasure trove of information. From resumes to online assessments, there’s data everywhere. And it’s not just for show—it helps us:

Make Objective Decisions

Instead of relying on feelings, we can base our choices on solid data, making the process fairer and less biased.

Find Top Talent

With data analysis, we can pinpoint candidates who have the skills, experience, and culture fit we’re looking for, leading to better hires.

Get Predictive Insights

By looking at past data and using analytics, we can predict future performance and turnover rates, helping us plan strategically.

The Power of Behavioural Testing

Behavioural testing is a standout tool in data-driven recruiting, here’s why:

It Gives Us a Full Picture:

Traditional interviews often miss crucial aspects of a candidate’s personality. Behavioural testing fills in the gaps, giving us a comprehensive view.

We Can Assess Cultural Fit:

Soft skills matter just as much as hard skills, as 92% of talent professionals agree. Behavioural tests help us see if a candidate’s values and communication style match ours, reducing the chance of a bad fit.

We Can Predict Performance:

Certain behaviours, like resilience and leadership potential, are strong indicators of future success. Behavioural testing helps us spot these traits early on.

It Reduces Bias:

By focusing on data, we can avoid unconscious bias and promote fairness and diversity.

In today’s competitive world, data-driven recruiting isn’t just a trend—it’s a must. Using tools like behavioural testing, we can make better decisions, build stronger teams, and drive success. Research shows that companies with diverse and inclusive cultures, such as Google and Microsoft, are 1.7 times more likely to lead in innovation and data-driven strategies have led to a 15% increase in productivity and a 70% reduction in turnover rates for companies like IBM. Behavioural testing, as part of this approach, helps us find candidates who aren’t just qualified, but who also fit our culture and values perfectly.

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World Bank Report Reveals Global Gender Disparity in Workforce Opportunities

A headline that never ceases to disappoint.

It’s natural to feel outraged at the injustice of being denied equal rights and opportunities simply because of one’s gender. The slow pace of reforms, despite the clear economic benefits of gender equality, exacerbate these feelings of disappointment. It highlights a failure of leadership and a lack of urgency in addressing a fundamental issue that impacts the lives of half the global population.

Recent findings from the World Bank highlight a stark reality – no country in the world currently provides women with equal opportunities in the workforce compared to men. This revelation, far exceeding previous estimations, underscores the urgent need for action to bridge the global gender gap.

According to the report, closing this gap could potentially elevate the global gross domestic product by over 20%, presenting a significant economic opportunity for nations worldwide.

For the first time, the report delves into the impact of childcare and safety policies on women’s labour force participation across 190 countries. Shockingly, it reveals that women only enjoy 64% of the legal protections granted to men, a decrease from the previously assumed 77%. Issues such as childcare costs and safety concerns emerge as major barriers hindering women’s full engagement in the workforce.

The report’s 10th edition also sheds light on the disparity between enacted laws and their implementation in bridging gender gaps. Despite laws on equal pay being enacted in 95 countries, only 35 have measures in place to address the pay gap, with women globally earning just 77 cents for every dollar earned by men.

While some sub-Saharan African nations have shown commendable legislative progress, a significant gap persists between legal reforms and their effective implementation.

Countries like Togo exhibit high numbers of enacted laws but lack sufficient frameworks for execution.

Addressing childcare gaps emerges as a pivotal solution, with the report suggesting that improving childcare accessibility could immediately increase women’s labour force participation by 1%. Yet less than half of the countries offer financial support or tax relief for parents, and even fewer have quality standards for childcare services, leaving parents concerned about their children’s safety.

Moreover, disparities extend to pension benefits, with 81 countries failing to account for childcare-related work absences in women’s pension calculations. Additionally, while 151 countries have laws against workplace sexual harassment, only 40 cover abuse in public spaces or during commutes, leaving women unprotected on their way to work.

Indermit Gill, the World Bank Group’s Chief Economist, emphasises that discriminatory laws and practices globally hinder women’s equal participation in the workforce, potentially doubling global growth if the gender gap were bridged. However, reforms have been slow to materialise, underscoring the urgent need for action.

In the face of such staggering revelations from the World Bank’s latest report, it’s evident that the fight for gender equality in the workforce is far from over. The disparity between enacted laws and their implementation, coupled with persistent barriers such as childcare accessibility and safety concerns, underscores the urgent need for decisive action. It’s imperative that leaders and policymakers across the globe prioritise meaningful reforms to bridge the gender gap. The economic benefits are clear, the moral imperative undeniable. Let’s go beyond merely acknowledge these findings, and heed them as a call to action, ensuring that every individual, regardless of gender, has the opportunity to thrive in the workforce and contribute fully to our collective prosperity. The time for change is now.


Written by Lesley Armstrong.

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