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The Role of Data in Modern Recruiting: Using Behavioural Testing for Improved Hiring


In today’s digital age, data isn’t just a buzzword—it’s the backbone of smart decision-making across industries. In the world of recruiting, it’s a game-changer. It helps us streamline processes, find the best talent, and ensure they’re a great fit for our team. One tool we’re particularly proud of at Corvus People is behavioural testing. It gives us incredible insights into candidates and helps us make better hiring decisions.

Why is it so important?

Understanding the Data Advantage

Recruiting used to be all about gut feelings, but now we have access to a treasure trove of information. From resumes to online assessments, there’s data everywhere. And it’s not just for show—it helps us:

Make Objective Decisions

Instead of relying on feelings, we can base our choices on solid data, making the process fairer and less biased.

Find Top Talent

With data analysis, we can pinpoint candidates who have the skills, experience, and culture fit we’re looking for, leading to better hires.

Get Predictive Insights

By looking at past data and using analytics, we can predict future performance and turnover rates, helping us plan strategically.

The Power of Behavioural Testing

Behavioural testing is a standout tool in data-driven recruiting, here’s why:

It Gives Us a Full Picture:

Traditional interviews often miss crucial aspects of a candidate’s personality. Behavioural testing fills in the gaps, giving us a comprehensive view.

We Can Assess Cultural Fit:

Soft skills matter just as much as hard skills, as 92% of talent professionals agree. Behavioural tests help us see if a candidate’s values and communication style match ours, reducing the chance of a bad fit.

We Can Predict Performance:

Certain behaviours, like resilience and leadership potential, are strong indicators of future success. Behavioural testing helps us spot these traits early on.

It Reduces Bias:

By focusing on data, we can avoid unconscious bias and promote fairness and diversity.

In today’s competitive world, data-driven recruiting isn’t just a trend—it’s a must. Using tools like behavioural testing, we can make better decisions, build stronger teams, and drive success. Research shows that companies with diverse and inclusive cultures, such as Google and Microsoft, are 1.7 times more likely to lead in innovation and data-driven strategies have led to a 15% increase in productivity and a 70% reduction in turnover rates for companies like IBM. Behavioural testing, as part of this approach, helps us find candidates who aren’t just qualified, but who also fit our culture and values perfectly.

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